A vacuum oven is a multi-purpose device used to dry heat-sensitive materials such as pharmaceutical powders without changing the chemical composition of the material.

Vacuum furnaces remove water from materials by lowering their boiling point, minimizing the loss of non-water compounds.

Articles are usually dried immediately under gentle pressure and heat transfer so that only the desired residual moisture remains. https://www.tridentet.com/vacuum-oven/ As already mentioned, vacuum furnaces have a wide range of industrial applications. B. Very fast, gentle and energy efficient drying of hygroscopic materials.

The liquid in the dry matter evaporates by reducing the pressure and is finally removed as vapor. A vacuum oven works by creating a vacuum that lowers the pressure in a chamber below the liquid's vapor pressure, causing it to boil.

A typical vacuum furnace operates in a temperature range of 200°C to 250°C. Features to consider in a vacuum furnace include quality pressure casings, pumps, and gaskets. Also look for vacuum furnaces with convenient programmable controls and computer interfaces.

A vacuum pump helps reduce the pressure around the drying hygroscopic material. Reducing the pressure also lowers the boiling point of the liquid in the product. This increases the evaporation rate and greatly increases the drying speed of the material.

A standard vacuum oven typically maintains a pressure of about 0.03 to 0.06 atmospheres, while water has a boiling point of 25 to 30 °C. As a batch operation, the drying process involves lowering the relative humidity and ambient pressure, resulting in faster drying. This makes this technique ideal for drying heat-sensitive products that would otherwise be attacked or destroyed by direct heating.

These products include, but are not limited to, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and food. Some vacuum ovens also have special features such as residual gas analysis (to prevent overdrying of materials) and solvent recovery when overdrying. When working with dry, flammable solvents, you should look for a safe vacuum oven certified for such applications. Continue reading..


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